Management Made Easy
As we celebrate National Diabetes Month this year, we want to encourage and support the importance of physical and mental health for all in our community. 2020 has been a surprising and challenging year for all of us and it seems like nothing has been in our control. But when it comes to managing diabetes there are easy steps you can take that will put you in control. Follow these tips to improve your health and feel like you have some control in 2020!
Tip 1: Check Your A1C%. Your A1C% is a blood test that checks the amount of sugar in your blood over a two to three-month period. Knowing your A1C% lets you check-in with your body and see how well you have been managing your blood sugars and what opportunities you have to make improvements.
Tip 2: Dance it Out. We want to try to get 30 minutes of movement, most days of the week. The great news is you don’t have to do 30 minutes at one time! Doing 10 minutes of movement you enjoy, like dancing, walking, or basketball, a few times a day can help relieve stress and keep you strong. Do what you love and what fits your schedule!
Tip 3: Eat a Healthy Diet. All foods fit and you can manage your blood sugar in a way you enjoy. When you think about your meals, try to make ½ your plate non-starchy vegetables (green beans, tomatoes, and broccoli), ¼ protein, and ¼ starch (rice, pasta, or tortillas) or starchy vegetables (corn, potatoes, and plantains).
Keep going, keep at it, and join the movement to help spread awareness about diabetes and diabetes management!
Check DAA’s calendar for upcoming virtual events. You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. #UniteforDiabetes