Every year, fad diets, influencer health recommendations, and weight loss resolutions come out swinging on January 1st. It can be overwhelming to feel like you must do something to “fix” your body, avoid certain foods to be healthy, or feel like you’re not doing the right thing for your health.
What fad diets and influencer health recommendations don’t tell you is that many factors influence our health and lifestyle. Factors can include family history, medical conditions, medications, gender, and age influence our lifestyle. We are all unique. Each body has its own wants and needs to be healthy in mind and body. This is why it is so important to set goals that are meaningful to you, not what social media or the latest and “greatest” fad is telling you to do.
This year, DAA wants to highlight the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how to be successful with your goals. Food is often demonized. Since too many people think they are being “good” or “bad” when it comes to making food choices, our first event of the year will be a conversation on how to build a healthier relationship with food. You can register for the event here at diabetesatlanta.org/wednesday. We hope this event will inspire you to celebrate and nourish your body by focusing on eating, not “good” or “bad” foods.
Your body is yours. You’ve known your body and your body has known you your whole life! It is time to focus on lifestyle and living. It is time to celebrate you and what a healthy lifestyle means to you.
Check DAA’s calendar for upcoming virtual events. Donations are appreciated! You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.